This manual for all canon I series from I560 above and Pixma series from IP3000 series seems use the same reset procedures like canon s9000
the same procedures works for i560/s400/i9100/i9950/s300/i850/ and Pixima From Ip3000 above

Canon i550, i560, i850, i950, i960 (May work with i860, i865)
1. Start with the printer OFF
2. Hold down RESUME and then hold down POWER
3. release RESUME
4. press RESUME twice, then release POWER
5. Let green light blink until printer is done moving print head.
6. Select functions below with RESUME press POWER to execute:

Number of presses - light color - function :
0 presses - green - Test print (or exit service mode on i960)
1 press - orange - EEPROM info print (plus grid nozzle diagnostic on i960)
2 presses - green - EEPROM initialize
3 presses - orange - Reset waste ink counter

1 comment:

Jos_Bleau said...

Hi, Unfortunately, this procedure fails as soon as in point 5, when go the power button after having only pushed twice the resume button. My led wont' absolutely not return to a static state "green solid", the 5 amber lights still blinking. Dia
gnostic. A fault print head, since I had another printer at hand , I tried swapping ant went fine. I also tried cleaning contacts of my old printers, did'nt work.